5 Days from Now.

5 days from now Baby De's official "due date" will be upon us. November 10th seemed so far in the distance when we started this adventure way back in February- it's exciting (and hard to believe) just how fast time flies. I know as a kid adults use to say "Time goes faster when you're older" and like every teenager- I just rolled my eyes and thought Uh-huh, yeah right. But sitting here at 32 years old and 39 & 3 days pregnant- I totally take back all those eye rolls! I'm grateful I've tried to document this journey the past 10 months on this blog because I know how important it will be for me to reflect on everything Matt and I did to prepare for our sweet baby. To be parents. To grow our family.

Although our Dr. thought we may be early- our pumpkin is still snuggled inside me. I've had 1-2 contractions each day, but nothing of conquest to indicate labor. Based on the PMS type cramps, lower back aches, and tightness I had Friday that Baby De for sure would be starting labor this weekend. And all my sweet friends and family have been checking in on me...alas Baby De was just psyching this Mama out. :Smile: I had guessed Nov. 4th, but that date has come and gone. And to be honest- I'm glad Baby didn't come this weekend. It's given me a chance to rest and sleep off the nasty cold I was developing this week. I cried more this week than I have this entire pregnancy- and it was purely out of frustration at being sick. Yet Matt always knows what to say and how to take care of me when I'm feeling that way- and I'm grateful to say I'm feeling great and back to normal.

Speaking of that amazing husband of mine- seriously I hit the husband jackpot (stole this line from a friend of ours :smile:) with Matt. The past week he has been checking my blood pressure, grocery shopping, making dinner, taking walks with Harper and I, reminding me to sit down...then telling me to sit down. He's been nothing but positive and supportive with tons of kisses and hugs while reminding me how amazing and beautiful I am. Lucky girl to have him. Lucky Baby to have him as well.

As for school, well I have ~4 more days before my long-term sub starts her contract. Honestly I have no idea if I'll be early, late, or something in between during the next 5 days. It was so sweet on Thursday when one of my girls gave me a hug goodbye and said "I have to hug you because I don't know if I'll see you again soon!" (melts heart) I guess all I can say is: Baby De, we want you to be healthy and ready. Mom and Dad (still getting use to that!) are over the moon excited to meet you soon! Not to mention the many other amazing family and friends who have already called 'dibs' on snuggling and babysitting you. So whether it's tomorrow or next week- we love you!