6 months vs. 7 months

Tomorrow I'll be 30 weeks or -wait for it!- 7 1/2 months pregnant. Crazy cakes, am I right? So upon this realization and the fact that I've spent the last two weeks prepping for school again- Baby DeFran and I have been running our summer energy tank a little lower than usual. I still feel great and continue to work out 3-4 times a week, but 8 hours on my feet make for a tight tummy. While putting my feet up - and designing school projects- I came to the realization JUST how different 6 months and 7 months is for me. So far, being 6 months pregnant was a my favorite. Don't get me wrong, 7 months is just as amazing. However 7 months has brought on being hungry more often, less energy in the evening, walking slower, and made the task of picking things up (and shaving my legs!) a little more challenging. I laugh at pictures of myself from June when I use to think 'man I'm so big!' and then realize I still have 10 more weeks with this sweet one...just HOW big will I be then? Man (shaking head). I know with school starting in 6 days, I will have to definitely listen to my body and relax when I can and continue to drink lots of water at school (speaking of...I wonder how the whole peeing thing will play out...hmmm....)

With how 'big' Baby DeFran and I are becoming, Dr. Blanchard is VERY happy with our progress. It's like getting a gold star at school when she said yesterday "I honestly have nothing to say to you except everything looks amazing! Your weight gain is fantastic, you are healthy, you don't have gestational diabetes, your BP and baby's heartbeat are strong, so keep up the great work!" YES! We have one last ultrasound scheduled for this month to check the growth of my fibroids- and then we won't see how baby until he/she decides their birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Just realized how time flies by and I haven't checked your blog in awhile so guess *smile* what your Mama is reading during breakfast this morning. So fun to read about the funny comments from people your gold star appointments with your doctor "high five" and all the mood swings, leg cramps, happy little moments Celebrating this journey called motherhood. Love you so much little girl. Hard for me to believe you are a mother yourself! ILY
