First Day of School

Today marks Year 6 at Keizer Elementary & Year 5 in 5th grade. I'd like to think it's my "Golden Year"... you know 5 years in 5th grade...get it? Ha! And this year will be unlike any other with Baby DeFran too. It was an amazing day today- with 30 anxious, excited faces looking back at me- all my school dreamares (that's dream+nightmares) melted away. Yes we'll have some learning curves together through the next few weeks (WEEKS?!) but I'm SO excited to get to know them more. Today I learned that "all that space" I left between desks works great for kids and pre-baby Mrs. De...but Baby De & I often had to take the long way around the room. I was worried I'd bump a kid in the head or back with my bump- ha! They also were super sweet and already asked all about the baby...even a few already seemed connected to me about not being gone too long. I will admit I was worried my leaving so soon after school starts would impact our bond and even make a few kids less likely to "take me seriously" (and although I'm not a newb to remember this is Day 1 of the Honeymoon period)- I honestly think that will not be a problem.

So I'm trying out a few new "get to know you" activities this year in an effort to connect more quickly and deeply with kiddos. I found this great one called "I wish my teacher knew..." It's a twist on the "Tell me about yourself" activities- but it requires a little more heart I think. So (of course) I wrote one to model for my students and I'm excited to see/read how they respond on Friday.Cheers to finishing Day 1 AND eating lunch today + a whole new adventure to come.

I wish my students knew...

It's hard to choose just three things about me, but I wish my 5th grade students knew about me that…

This is my first baby and I will literally be “figuring it out” as we go. Being a new mom can be scary but exciting! We are keeping whether it's a boy or girl a secret because my husband and I feel like this is the last true “unknown miracle” in life. I will admit sometimes it’s really hard for me not to know- because I want to use his/her name (which we’re not telling anyone either!)- but I know in my heart it’s going to be the BEST surprise ever.

I wish my students knew that every summer (for almost 9 years) I have the honor of being a camp counselor to kids who have been abused, neglected by family/friends, or forced into foster homes. These kids are amazing and they’ve been through so much pain, but they still have hope for a better future for themselves. I love being a part of their heroic story every summer...even if it’s just for a week.

I wish my students knew dessert is my FAVORITE. And honestly, I’d pretty much eat ANYTHING chocolate. However if I had to choose- I’d always choose cupcakes. Any cupcakes. Maybe pie too. Or ice cream. Or cookies...oh man...see what I mean?

I wish my students knew how much I love and think about them outside of school. Like every single one of them- like past students and the awesome kids I have this year. When they tell me about their lives at home or with sports, I am filled with pride and happiness. I know they’re not “really” my kids...but I feel like if they share personal parts of their life- it shows they trust me with who they really are. I wish my students knew I pray for them too- sometimes big prayers about things they can’t control and other times little prayer like “Please let them study for the quiz tomorrow” or “Please let them listen to the directions the first time!”

There are many things I wish my students knew about me because we are a family in Room 9.

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