Friday Fatigue.

I've been taking a lot of pride in my active lifestyle for the past 8.5 months. It keeps me productive, on top of my to do list and accomplished feeling. However by the end of a busy week of school, this mama hits a Friday fatigue wall for sure. I came home last night (after a good day at school and a long week) and immediately had guilt that I had only worked out once this week! Determined to NOT slide into old habits, I sat on the couch next to Matt and explained my dilemma. (This is where if it were a Hollywood movie, sweet cued music would play and animated hearts would flutter by on screen) He sweetly kissed my forehead and says "Just rest Honey. That's what you need." I mean I KNOW I need to rest, but it wasn't until Matt gave me permission to just sleep- did my brain actually register how right he was. Seriously- the man is amazing at knowing me...better than Me!

So I slept for an hour or so. When Matt kindly starts to wake me up (because everyone knows a "nap" for me is a minimum of 2 hours) so I can still sleep at night- and I grumble a "not yet"- he kisses my forehead again and says "Okay Babe. I'll wake you up after I make dinner." Again- AMAZING man! We enjoyed a delicious dinner, played some Seinfeld scene-it, and relaxed to watch a few shows before I was officially out again for the night. But not before a random teary-eyed bedtime. Matt and I were just laughing and joking then BOOM unexplained tears just start rolling down my face. Matt didn't even blink and eye and reminded me I was beautiful, to take deep breathes, and it's totally normal! In the light of day today- this event seems even more crazy! But-yet again- Matt knew how to work through it so I didn't feel like a dweeb. Ha!

At 8.5 months, I sleep pretty well every night- but (of course) have to get up to pee like 2-3 times a night. And let me tell you, it's an event just getting out of bed now- ha! Last night though, I'm positive I experienced by first two Braxton Hicks contractions that woke me up. A few deep breathes and they were gone. Luckily they were at two different times in the night- so no worries!

The point of this blog? Listen to your body Jessica- not your brain. And seriously I have the best husband.

1 comment:

  1. He is the best...thanks Matt for loving my baby girl and your sweet little baby growing inside her. You two have an amazing relationship.
