T-Minus 6 weeks & 5 days

(Blink!) 8 months, 33 weeks, and only 6 weeks until November 10th? What the Baby what?! Although there is no crazy 'we aren't prepared' feelings running through me (because come on...we've been preparing since Day 1 people)- I am still in awe of how fast it is going. I've thoroughly enjoyed being pregnant and although school has given my preggo body some adjusting...it's truly been an wonderful experience. With no major health concerns and baby doing their part (high five Babe!), each week slides by with little to no avail. Yes it's a chore to put on shoes, underwear, and anything requiring bending over- but it's not impossible. Ha! I'm still working out moderately with weights and cardio during the week and I'm proud to say I'm continuing to gain weight healthily each week. Super proud that I'm currently rocking zero stretch marks too- woot woot! #pregnancygoals

Month 8 has brought on way more activity in my belly as nightly I watch Baby DeFran roll around, spasm, and then stick a body part out into my stomach. Some movements are very smooth, while others are like a quick jerked reaction! I understand now why a lot of woman say this is the part they miss- because feeling your baby move inside you truthfully can't be explained. It's happiness, excitement, and love all rolling around making your everyday filled with secret little (or not so little) love taps from your unborn child.

I still need to work on stretching more, but I find myself taking lots of deep breaths throughout the day as my belly gets more tight as the day goes on. I "think" I've had a few Braxton Hicks contractions, but I'll be honest- I can't tell if it's that or the fact I still move at the speed of light at school. Month 8 has taught me to sit as often as I can (which at school takes conscious effort), admit when I'm tired and just rest, as well as increase hunger! Usually I am not hungry again after dinner (minus some delicious sugar free pudding!) but lately I've been waking up starving around 3am. Guess that's a good sign that Baby is growing, right?!

As we washed and put away all the amazing baby shower gifts, Matt and I are feeling pretty well prepared for whatever life will hand us in the next 6 weeks. We DO still have a few BIG things to do- IE: pack hospital bags and find a pediatrician- but all in all we're enjoying every moment of just us and Harper snuggle time we can. Life will change for sure, but I couldn't be more blessed to spend this lifetime the boys I share my home with right now. I can't wait to meet you Baby DeFran!

1 comment:

  1. Advice from your Mom...get as much rest/sleep as you can. Things are about to get so amazing and exciting and sleep??? What the heck is a full night's sleep?? I love you all especially that little sweet baby.
