It's an odd feeling...all the "not knowing yet being overly prepared". I mean, my brain totally knows this little munchkin is going to put me into labor sooner rather than later. And honestly I'm not worried about labor at all- sure it's going to be hard and hurt like hell- but that makes sense! But the rest of me is in a bit of denial about how big this will change everything for us. Which sounds weird (or looks because clearly I'm typing)- yet I'm more thinking about how it changes everything for me for school. Like every year I enjoy a wonderful detox away from school but once I'm back in... well I'm 200% back in. And this year with Baby De's arrival, I'm even more focused on being prepared. I've prepped lesson plans for two weeks (Starting next week, just in case!), have my maternity binder all set up, discussed with my kiddos, and most of all consoling my team. Ha!
On a REAL pregnancy note... the last 48 hours have REALLY shown me what pregnancy feels like. I've been so lucky to have an easy 9 months that it seems fitting I'll spend my last few weeks piling on the 'normal' preggo symptoms. What might you ask have blessed my already overly stressed body? Well how about cankles for the first time ever?! Like literally I have no ankles! I must keep in mind that I do have a job that I rarely sit down during the day- but come on Baby! Another glorious pregnancy symptom? Running out of breath- like often. My working out has drastically diminished due to this fact. Yes I still take walks 1-2 times a week and light a few weights- but I'm so dang exhausted it doesn't happen. (Insert here the "it's okay you need to rest" advice I have been getting for some weeks now- I just don't know HOW to rest) Last night Matt literally ordered me to sit on the couch and put my feet up as he wonderfully made dinner, did the dishes, and let me rest....and grade science papers. :Smile: Finally, the last symptom is water weight gain. We had our check up on Wednesday and I was shocked at the amount on the scale. My Dr. even said "You look a lot more swollen than usual". She didn't expressly say "Hey Preggo, slow down the pounds..." but it's messed with my mind every since then! It's expected- and I still have healthy BP and everything...but man. Even with a decent diet the past 9.5 months and exercise- growing a baby really packs on some poundage.
Although I'm dilated ~1.5 cm (which is slow progress, but progress nonetheless), our Dr. thinks due to how thin my cervix already is that when labor does begin it may happen faster than expected. She also still believes we'll be early...yet it's all speculation until the contractions become a reality. Which aren't happening too often at the moment. So for now my sweet, big ol' belly and I will just keep trying to rest, giving our cankles a break while we wait for Baby De to come.
Who knows...maybe this will be my last post before we have a Baby...a Baby!!
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