9 Months.

Matt and I are officially on our 'week by week' ObGyn appointments now. Last Friday we went in and did all our routine checks (BP, heart rate, weight, etc) and Baby seems to be checking out amazingly. However this time Dr. Blanchard asked if it was alright if she 'check me' just to see how everything down under is doing. Umm...sure! Well she smiled and said "I doubt you make it to 40 weeks because you're already 1 cm dilated and starting to efface." Matt and I looked at one another in giddy shock- things were starting already! Now all this new information could mean 1) Baby maybe be earlier than Nov 10th (Dr. Blanchard laughed and said 'I bet 38 1/2 weeks') or 2) Baby will do whatever it wants...it's probably more the latter, right? Either way we were all pretty excited.

Another nugget of news was the fact that our Dr. doesn't even know the gender of the baby! This whole time we've assumed she also know, but truth be told, the only people who know are the ultrasound tech and the ultrasound Dr who reads our chart. Everywhere else on our file it simple says "Gender a surprise". How cool is that?!

Needless to say, after this appointment the "Oh I better get serious about packing a hospital bag" nesting kicked in. This weekend I officially packed mine and the baby's hospital bags. We have a few things we need to add, but I'm feeling much more ready. My bag will stay in the car and drive to and from work with me because...well.. you never know. Sweet little Baby De- although I'd like you to stay put until Nov 10th- if you're health and ready...Mom and Dad will be too. We love you.

The picture below is my one and only 'naked belly' photo I've posted. I took it for many reasons, but the most important was to remind me how amazing this experience has been. My body has been growing this sweet, little human for the past 36 weeks. This picture serves a reminder that as I enter the last few precious weeks we have together (like this) to treasure each small moment. A reminder that pains will come, breathing will be difficult (I can't walk and chew gum anymore!), and yes sleep will continue to decline- that You, sweet little one, are totally and completely worth it. You will bring so much joy into our lives and you're already SO loved by many more.

This photo also reminds me how hard I've worked to prepare to be a Mom the past 9 months. Yes I've indulged and skipped workouts, but I'm REALLY proud of the fact I feel and look great. No stretch marks, swollen hands, or other big pregnancy issues. Yes there are occasional leg cramps, general tiredness some days, and never feeling full...ever. But when I look at this picture I see a strong woman who is lucky to have an amazingly supportive husband to help me get to this place. Matt, I am so excited to be a parent with you.

1 comment:

  1. My beautiful daughter...prayers for an easy delivery and I can hardly wait to snuggle with your precious baby. We love you, Matt and baby De so much.
