Baby Flutters + Being Surprised!

15 weeks + 5 Days
On Saturday I felt a little 'ripple' through my belly on the right side. At first I didn't think anything of it. Muscles moving, food digesting, famous gas bubbles forming- you know nothing you really blog about....let alone take pictures of. However the same exact feeling happened another 3-4 times that day and I started thinking "Hey...this may be Baby DeFran making an appearance!" I feel weird saying this, but I have NO idea what to look for when it comes to first baby movements. I've been one for subtle messages- so if Baby DeFran WAS trying to get my attention, I didn't believe it.

Then on Sunday I felt the same little ripples. Each day it's only been 3-4 times, so even as I type this I'm not 100% certain what I'm feeling is our sweet one. However after describing it to more experienced mom's- it seems I may be right! How exciting! This brand new feeling came paired with a POP of my belly this week. Before I always looked a little heavy- not pregnant. Well now I have an adorable little round belly. Eek!

So tonight after an awesome prenatal workout with my new favorite YouTube Channel BodyFit by Amy- I decided to have a little min selfie photo shoot. My mom and I bought this shirt a few weeks ago to commemorate Matt's and my decision to NOT find out the gender of our baby. We'll both admit we had no plans to be surprised...I mean come on... if you know anything about me it's the fact that I LOVE being ready and organized. However Matt had amazing reasons to counter to wait that left my reasons in the dust. Truthfully it won't be easy as we start to build our nursery, but we both love the mint/grey/white color scheme (totally gender neutral) and he's promised to be open about hiring a birth photographer to capture those miraculous moments together during delivery as we meet our new baby boy or girl. Our decision has come with many mixed reviews from friends, family, and coworkers- all ranging from very supportive to skeptical we'll make it. But I keep replaying Matt's quote "We can always find out if we need to...but we'll never get to unknow that moment." So Baby DeFran PINK or BLUE- we absolutely stinkin' love you!

Just because Matt's super adorable.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhhhhh...just reread this post. I am absolutely thrilled that you are experiencing the little life within you! Baby ripples are the best! Just wait till he or she gives you your first real kick. I love that you are or blue we sooooo love you!
