Officially 16 weeks!

Ladies and Gents- we've officially hit the 4 months mark! It's hard to believe how fast this is already going. I am hoping once I'm not counting down the days of school ending (14 for those who are counting) that I can take time to really savor the week-by-week. The last week my sweet little belly really decided to make an appearance- which was both very exciting and odd at the same time. All this time I knew there was a baby, but now it feels so real! Yeah! Also new this week...people randomly touching my stomach. Ha! It threw me off-guard at first, but honestly I don't mind people I know enjoying this journey with us. But strangers better keep their distance! Baby DeFran got a check up yesterday and their heartbeat is going strong! Makes me smile stupidly each time we get to experience these little moments together. I'm definitely feeling the upside of 2nd trimester with increased energy to work out more. I actually lost a few pounds since our last appointment- which is good news because I'm at healthier weight for 16 weeks now. Matt and I are both being conscious of eating clean...and for me...not eating every carb in sight. Sigh. It's all worth it for a healthy pregnancy and baby. Keep growing our sweet 'dill' pickle- Mom and Dad love you very much!

1 comment:

  1. Four months already...such an exciting journey feeling this little life grow day by day! I love you baby girl and baby De....Your Memere can't wait to hold you!
