17 weeks + a plane ride.

Last week Baby DeFran and I took our first plane ride together...and they did amazingly. Ha! It was wonderful to spend the weekend away in CA visiting Tara and a quick family picnic together (and baby bump cousins met!). Besides having a noticeable bump by the evening, we're cruising through week 17 and 18 quite well. I've been pretty tired lately, but I attribute most of that fatigue to the fact it's the end of the year. And there's no tired like end of the year teacher tired. (hehe!) Also, I haven't been sleeping very well already. Most nights I end up with terrible heartburn and have to sleep sitting up...no exactly how I want to start this sleepless night routine.
Besides glorious sunshine, this past week Matt and I have made some nursery decisions. After a few grey paint samples, we've finally settled on the 'right' grey and the perfect mint color! LOVE them and can't wait for school to be out so we can really start to decorate. We purchased a 2nd hand crib, so now it really feels like a baby's room. It's so crazy to think we're already HALF WAY through this pregnancy. There is still SO much to do, but with only 9 more school days left- I'm looking forward to pouring my creativity and time into preparing for this little one.Baby DeFran is the size of a pomegranate right now (5 1/2 inches long already!) The need for maternity summer clothes will be happening VERY soon!


  1. So exciting to see how you're processing this journey! I love reading about Baby DeFran and you! I can't wait to see what happens next!

  2. Love your paint/color choices. So fun to watch you two work your magic with all the special touches! ILy
