18 Weeks.

Today was the last day of school and I'm (actually) starting my 19th week now, but wanted to make sure I keep on top of documenting every two weeks. Because let's face it- every week speeds up now. My belly is much bigger than the last photo and seems to be the biggest in the evening. Little Baby DeFran is definitely moving much more often and their little "ripples" feel more like movements every day. Also they're becoming more centralized than off the right like earlier. Must be getting bigger! According to our Ovia app, our little one is about the size of a zucchini or heirloom tomato right now. Roughly 5 1/2 - 6 inches already! Whoa- no wonder I'm feeling more dance moves!

Along with growing in circumference, I've started to experience the beginnings of nightly heartburn/chest pain. Yeah- not cool at all. Some nights I sleep best sitting completely seated upright. Although a few modifications to my sleeping wardrobe has helped to alleviate a lot of this pain...for now. The other interesting thing is my Snoogle pillow and I have a love/hate relationship. I seem to love sleeping with it only about once a week because the other days I feel like it's just making the pain worse. I'm hopeful that as my belly grows I'll be able to utilize it better- but for now it often rests on the floor.

I'm still enjoying exercising, but I'm finding myself doing more at home workouts than at the gym. A lot of that is due to "end of school year teacher" exhaustion too. I am looking forward to a better routine and intensity. Although my home workouts are great- I don't feel like I'm lifting enough weights to keep my leg shape- but then maybe it's also because I'm gotten a little lax on my eating...yeah- that's a truth bomb. So now that school's officially over, I can refocus more intentionally. Hooray!

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