6 months already!

 {Blink!} 6 months gone! Summer seems to be speeding past as our little one grows and grows. It's been a busy July for our little family. Starting off with an amazing trip to Palm Springs, this little bump and I continued our travels together to Lake Tahoe to spend a week with Matt's family. As a novice at this whole mothering-thing, I learned so much from Aileen, Cya, and Patty. I am so grateful I haven't been sick during this pregnancy- that way I can enjoy every moment of these family vacations.
Palm Springs
Lake Tahoe
Although I am noticing many other changes in my body. Like...it's getting harder and harder to bend down to tie my shoes (just another reason flip flops are amazing!) and needing to move/sit down more strategically (no more shooting straight up out of bed...I like to call my new move the side tuck and roll- ha!) Definitely feeling more pregnant by the end of the day- but I'm absolutely in love with the fact that I ACTUALLY look pregnant now. And unlike a lot of moms- I don't mind friends & family touching my sweet baby belly. Maybe it's pride that I'm building a HUMAN inside me- but it's such a fun experience.

Matt continues to be an incredible support. He is always looking out for me- whether it's a "I've got it Babe" or "Remember to..." or my personal favorite snuggling my belly with kisses. While we were in Sunriver, we experimented with playing soft music for the baby at night. It was so fun to have Matt's hand on my side and mine on the other while our little one responded to the sound. As soon as I took the phone away- BUMP! It was like "Hey out there! I was listening to that!" Or at least that's what we imagined.

Baby DeFrancisco officially their name picked out too! Matt and I decided on our perfect girl and boy name. I understand some people deliver with a few names in mind and when they first hold their baby then the "magic" name appears- buuutttt this Type A Mom and Dad (still adjusting to calling us that) like to be prepared. We both LOVE each name and feel really good about our choices. Now it's all up to this bump to keep growing healthily and make their appearance in November.

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