Baby DeFran's 3rd PhotoShoot

We spent an hour with an awesome ultrasound technician today cooing over our wiggly little one while she took measurements and photos. The moment we walked in we shared with her that we're not finding out the gender- so she promised to turn the monitor off when she documented Baby DeFran's gender (they have to for medical purposes). There's something purely magical about seeing the little baby we've made on that screen come to life. Baby DeFran put on quite a show by moving around A LOT and our sweet tech just laughed and kept saying "I'm chasing him!" (FYI she clearly told us when couples aren't finding out gender then she refers to the baby as 'him' as a general statement). Sharing sweet smiles with Matt as we watched our baby on the screen will forever be a memory I'll treasure.

So 3rd ultrasound (maybe our last?) shows all great stats (~1 lb already!). It was fascinating to see Baby DeFran's brain and each spinal cord bone through the ultrasound. Crazy stuff is happening in me! With an increase in wiggle movements being felt from both Matt and I- we're in for an active baby!

Without further adieu, Baby DeFran at 21 weeks and 3 days old:

1 comment:

  1. I am so in love with that little's tough playing the waiting game. Can't wait to find out your names...
