6 months vs. 7 months

Tomorrow I'll be 30 weeks or -wait for it!- 7 1/2 months pregnant. Crazy cakes, am I right? So upon this realization and the fact that I've spent the last two weeks prepping for school again- Baby DeFran and I have been running our summer energy tank a little lower than usual. I still feel great and continue to work out 3-4 times a week, but 8 hours on my feet make for a tight tummy. While putting my feet up - and designing school projects- I came to the realization JUST how different 6 months and 7 months is for me. So far, being 6 months pregnant was a my favorite. Don't get me wrong, 7 months is just as amazing. However 7 months has brought on being hungry more often, less energy in the evening, walking slower, and made the task of picking things up (and shaving my legs!) a little more challenging. I laugh at pictures of myself from June when I use to think 'man I'm so big!' and then realize I still have 10 more weeks with this sweet one...just HOW big will I be then? Man (shaking head). I know with school starting in 6 days, I will have to definitely listen to my body and relax when I can and continue to drink lots of water at school (speaking of...I wonder how the whole peeing thing will play out...hmmm....)

With how 'big' Baby DeFran and I are becoming, Dr. Blanchard is VERY happy with our progress. It's like getting a gold star at school when she said yesterday "I honestly have nothing to say to you except everything looks amazing! Your weight gain is fantastic, you are healthy, you don't have gestational diabetes, your BP and baby's heartbeat are strong, so keep up the great work!" YES! We have one last ultrasound scheduled for this month to check the growth of my fibroids- and then we won't see how baby until he/she decides their birthday!

Hormones + Grey Days

Being pregnant has been very easy for me- not like "Oh I want to be pregnant forever" kind of easy. But more in the sense that I haven't had many of the 'normal' issues so far. You know... those horror stories of things women say about expecting- morning sickness, food aversion, super sensitive to smells, swollen feet, severe mood swings etc...etc...etc...

Sure I've had some sciatica nerve pain, aches in my back, and even the occasional chest pain-but truthfully (As of right now) all of that is gone thanks to my magic egg crate foam pad. (Seriously though I think it's a miracle purchase...like forget the Snoogle and just buy the pad!)

Yet there have been a few days - like today - where I just needed to cry. There's no real reason to be emotional (well except the cutie inside me messing with all my hormones on a daily basis!) but I've learned to listen to myself and just go with it. Sometimes that means lying in bed for an extra 15 minutes before getting up or being 'okay' with just one more episode of "30 Rock" before getting dressed.

If I'm being totally honest, today I was discouraged at my body. It sounds crazy to even say (or type) because Hellllooooo I'm growing a human so of course I'm going to be different physically. But I am a little tired of people saying "How long?" then having this surprised look of "Oh my gosh you're already that big and you have THAT long" spread across their face. See- I don't FEEL like I look that big (most of the time) and I yeah yeah I know everyone's body adjusts to pregnancy differently. However being compared to other people isn't fun for a pregnant girl- especially 1st time moms. If I could go back in time to when I was first pregnant- I definitely would have laid off the carbs, hot chocolates, and other indulgences for the first 8 weeks. I could have saved myself like 8 extra unnecessary pounds.

Truthfully though, I'm kicking ass right now. No I don't fit into ANY of my regular work pants- but I have been going to the gym 2-3 times a week for cardio and weight lifting. Plus on my in between days I've been working out at home (yoga, weights, strength) all in an effort to NOT gain a bunch more weight than needed. I'm proud to say I pretty much have a "belly only" pregnancy without a lot of extra fat. Sure I've got curves (never could get rid of them!) but there not a single thing to feel bad about. My eating has been relatively good- I do give in once in awhile- but for the most part I'm consciously taking each day as a new opportunity to fuel my baby and my body.

So after tearing up and getting frustrated at how much my hips and thighs had gained- I finally yelled at myself. Like literally- in the closet-  wiped the tears away and told myself "You are 7 months pregnant! You are growing a healthy baby inside you! Of course your regular clothes don't fit- they shouldn't! You work hard to exercise and make reasonably healthy choices because it's what you and your baby need. You will fit back into these things- but right now it's not important."

I write this post as a reminder to myself how owning your emotions is important. But not letting them dictate your day or progress is equally important to a healthy life. So instead of feeling bad all day (like I originally wanted to) I drove down and hugged my husband at work, did some cute maternity bargain shopping, and baked delicious lower-calorie pregnancy ready desserts. Because my baby and I are worth it. 

People are awkward.

Image result for pregnancy humor

People (aka strangers) say the most awkward things to pregnant woman. Like makes you shake your head and think "Wow. Really?". I fully admit that I am not great at small talk...like at all. However since being pregnant I have had to step up my "come-back game" to combat all the totally weird things people think are funny to say to preggos like me.

Take these for example (and people- I am NOT making this ish-up)
- Looks like she ate all the watermelon seeds this year!
- You must be due soon!
- Is it a boy or girl? (I answer we aren't finding out) Oh- really? I don't know why anyone would want to wait.
- After working out at the gym instructor says, "Go High 5 two people for an awesome workout"- sweet older lady high fives my belly (Totally stunned me before I started laughing!)
- You must pop kids out like crazy with how much you work out (compliment? insult? still unsure on this one....)
- Enjoy sleep now, it'll only get worse from here
- What a cute belly...how far along are you? (I answer) Oh...wow, you've got a ways to go! (shaking head as a I walk away)
- Someone at a big breakfast/lunch/dinner...
- Guess you deserve some shots, am I right?

 I am sure that I am missing a few gems, so as they continue to roll in during these last 2.5 months I'll document them to remind myself NOT to be THAT person when I'm interacting with amazing, pregnant women!

10 Things about Pregnacy at 6.5 months.

I thought it'd be fun to document (in true Jessica list style) a few tidbits about Pregnant Jessica:

1. Tying my gym shoes is becoming increasingly more challenging (hello flip flops!)
2. I have absolutely NO cravings- like none. (Yes I want cookies/ice cream all the time, but that's nothing abnormal!)
3. Everyone tells you NOT to buy maternity clothes- but MAN are they comfy...so I have purchased more than I thought I would (maybe there's a fashionista inside me?)
4. Naps are my best friend (side note: Matt has a collection of hilarious photos of me in said naps...with my mouth hanging open!)
5. My nails are crazy strong- prenatal vitamins are working!
6. I have not thrown up a single time since being pregnant (high five Baby!)
7. I've started playing soft music for Baby at night (Baby De moves a lot when music is playing- currently we're enjoying John Mayer Pandora together)
8. I find myself always looking at elephant items for the baby...even though I don't want an animal room at all and Dumbo is my least favorite Disney movie. Ha! (but I LOVE Tara's explanation how elephants represent good luck if their trunks are upward- awwwww!)
9. It's more difficult to registry for baby items than I thought- I want to be practical but don't know what we "really" need...it's overwhelming! (Another note: I will admit not knowing the gender makes clothes buying a real challenge...)
10. I don't mind my belly touched at all- I almost wish more people would rub my Buddha belly!!

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TRAC + Baby DeFran = 6 1/2 months together

What a week! Matt and I literally spent Wednesday moving between couches so he could play Xbox and I could take naps. Matt spent the weekend celebrating in Seattle for Tommy's bachelor party, while I had the honor of being at TRAC. And although it was a million degrees (okay, okay like 90 and 100) while at camp, it always continues to be one of my favorite things I do each summer. I was blessed with 4 amazing campers and a new counselor to spend 3 days with. This year was even more special since Baby DeFran was my camp buddy! Baby De felt the love all weekend long as our campers excitedly asked all about their movements, tried to get me to give up our baby names, and looking out for us everywhere we went. The staff was equally wonderful to us- to the point that I said "I promise I'm fine, I don't get babied this much at home!" Ha!

Best purchase made this week...wait for it...a foam egg crate cushion! Camp life has never felt so comfy! Also since we've put it onto my side of the bed- all the terrible back and sciatica pain has disappeared. Relief- no matter how long it lasts- is welcomed! I've been doing a great job of making it to Active class twice a week and Cara gave me another amazing prenatal YouTube channel to kick my preggers butt with at home (Seriously BodyGlow PT is no joke- effective, short, and worthy of a great home workout!)

In other exciting news- the little baby of ours has been kicking/moving/making themselves known like crazy! It was hilarious when Harper and I were snuggling watching "Bridget Jones's Baby" (highly recommend it!)- Harper even was startled when a sudden "I'm here!" movement knocked him in the back. I laughed so hard...it's only going to get worse from here Harpster. (smile) Right now morning and night when I'm in bed are the most active times for Baby De. We are so blessed.