Friday Fatigue.

I've been taking a lot of pride in my active lifestyle for the past 8.5 months. It keeps me productive, on top of my to do list and accomplished feeling. However by the end of a busy week of school, this mama hits a Friday fatigue wall for sure. I came home last night (after a good day at school and a long week) and immediately had guilt that I had only worked out once this week! Determined to NOT slide into old habits, I sat on the couch next to Matt and explained my dilemma. (This is where if it were a Hollywood movie, sweet cued music would play and animated hearts would flutter by on screen) He sweetly kissed my forehead and says "Just rest Honey. That's what you need." I mean I KNOW I need to rest, but it wasn't until Matt gave me permission to just sleep- did my brain actually register how right he was. Seriously- the man is amazing at knowing me...better than Me!

So I slept for an hour or so. When Matt kindly starts to wake me up (because everyone knows a "nap" for me is a minimum of 2 hours) so I can still sleep at night- and I grumble a "not yet"- he kisses my forehead again and says "Okay Babe. I'll wake you up after I make dinner." Again- AMAZING man! We enjoyed a delicious dinner, played some Seinfeld scene-it, and relaxed to watch a few shows before I was officially out again for the night. But not before a random teary-eyed bedtime. Matt and I were just laughing and joking then BOOM unexplained tears just start rolling down my face. Matt didn't even blink and eye and reminded me I was beautiful, to take deep breathes, and it's totally normal! In the light of day today- this event seems even more crazy! But-yet again- Matt knew how to work through it so I didn't feel like a dweeb. Ha!

At 8.5 months, I sleep pretty well every night- but (of course) have to get up to pee like 2-3 times a night. And let me tell you, it's an event just getting out of bed now- ha! Last night though, I'm positive I experienced by first two Braxton Hicks contractions that woke me up. A few deep breathes and they were gone. Luckily they were at two different times in the night- so no worries!

The point of this blog? Listen to your body Jessica- not your brain. And seriously I have the best husband.

T-Minus 6 weeks & 5 days

(Blink!) 8 months, 33 weeks, and only 6 weeks until November 10th? What the Baby what?! Although there is no crazy 'we aren't prepared' feelings running through me (because come on...we've been preparing since Day 1 people)- I am still in awe of how fast it is going. I've thoroughly enjoyed being pregnant and although school has given my preggo body some's truly been an wonderful experience. With no major health concerns and baby doing their part (high five Babe!), each week slides by with little to no avail. Yes it's a chore to put on shoes, underwear, and anything requiring bending over- but it's not impossible. Ha! I'm still working out moderately with weights and cardio during the week and I'm proud to say I'm continuing to gain weight healthily each week. Super proud that I'm currently rocking zero stretch marks too- woot woot! #pregnancygoals

Month 8 has brought on way more activity in my belly as nightly I watch Baby DeFran roll around, spasm, and then stick a body part out into my stomach. Some movements are very smooth, while others are like a quick jerked reaction! I understand now why a lot of woman say this is the part they miss- because feeling your baby move inside you truthfully can't be explained. It's happiness, excitement, and love all rolling around making your everyday filled with secret little (or not so little) love taps from your unborn child.

I still need to work on stretching more, but I find myself taking lots of deep breaths throughout the day as my belly gets more tight as the day goes on. I "think" I've had a few Braxton Hicks contractions, but I'll be honest- I can't tell if it's that or the fact I still move at the speed of light at school. Month 8 has taught me to sit as often as I can (which at school takes conscious effort), admit when I'm tired and just rest, as well as increase hunger! Usually I am not hungry again after dinner (minus some delicious sugar free pudding!) but lately I've been waking up starving around 3am. Guess that's a good sign that Baby is growing, right?!

As we washed and put away all the amazing baby shower gifts, Matt and I are feeling pretty well prepared for whatever life will hand us in the next 6 weeks. We DO still have a few BIG things to do- IE: pack hospital bags and find a pediatrician- but all in all we're enjoying every moment of just us and Harper snuggle time we can. Life will change for sure, but I couldn't be more blessed to spend this lifetime the boys I share my home with right now. I can't wait to meet you Baby DeFran!

Baby Shower #8 months #Spoiled # Blessed

Baby DeFran and I (for lack of better terms) were utterly spoiled last Sunday at our Baby Shower together. I couldn't thank everyone enough for taking their time to laugh and spend time together with our family. No to mention their extremely thoughtful gifts- I! I am continually humbled by the outpouring of love, support, and compassion our friends and family have shown throughout our pregnancy journey. I am so grateful for each and every person in our lives. Truly a village that we can lean on as we take our first steps in to "Parenthood".

My mom, Emily, and Cara truly outdid themselves with the shower. Emily designed all the invitations (Even corner rounded them for added flair!) and took care of many details that helped our shower run smoothly. Cara shared her baking talents with- I think- they BEST cupcakes she's made thus far. Both of these incredible women gave Baby DeFran an incredible handmade gift from their hearts- a gorgeous quilt from Emily and Leslee that matches our nursery perfectly and Cara made an adorable infant car seat blanket. You- my friends- are incredible.

And to my amazing mom (and dad who helped!)- I don't even have enough words to express the gratitude and love I have for them. She and Dad truly know how to spoil their grand kids- and Baby DeFran is no exception as I unwrapped beautiful handmade gifts, necessary registry items, and the most luxurious blanket just for me. Thank you from the bottom our hearts for EVERYTHING you guys continue to do for us. Matt and I are very excited to have you close by to snuggle and love on our little one. Baby DeFran is already so loved by you. Thank you so much.
Dustin giving Auntie Jessica a little "real life training"
My beautiful Mom and Baby DeFran's Memere

First Day of School

Today marks Year 6 at Keizer Elementary & Year 5 in 5th grade. I'd like to think it's my "Golden Year"... you know 5 years in 5th grade...get it? Ha! And this year will be unlike any other with Baby DeFran too. It was an amazing day today- with 30 anxious, excited faces looking back at me- all my school dreamares (that's dream+nightmares) melted away. Yes we'll have some learning curves together through the next few weeks (WEEKS?!) but I'm SO excited to get to know them more. Today I learned that "all that space" I left between desks works great for kids and pre-baby Mrs. De...but Baby De & I often had to take the long way around the room. I was worried I'd bump a kid in the head or back with my bump- ha! They also were super sweet and already asked all about the baby...even a few already seemed connected to me about not being gone too long. I will admit I was worried my leaving so soon after school starts would impact our bond and even make a few kids less likely to "take me seriously" (and although I'm not a newb to remember this is Day 1 of the Honeymoon period)- I honestly think that will not be a problem.

So I'm trying out a few new "get to know you" activities this year in an effort to connect more quickly and deeply with kiddos. I found this great one called "I wish my teacher knew..." It's a twist on the "Tell me about yourself" activities- but it requires a little more heart I think. So (of course) I wrote one to model for my students and I'm excited to see/read how they respond on Friday.Cheers to finishing Day 1 AND eating lunch today + a whole new adventure to come.

I wish my students knew...

It's hard to choose just three things about me, but I wish my 5th grade students knew about me that…

This is my first baby and I will literally be “figuring it out” as we go. Being a new mom can be scary but exciting! We are keeping whether it's a boy or girl a secret because my husband and I feel like this is the last true “unknown miracle” in life. I will admit sometimes it’s really hard for me not to know- because I want to use his/her name (which we’re not telling anyone either!)- but I know in my heart it’s going to be the BEST surprise ever.

I wish my students knew that every summer (for almost 9 years) I have the honor of being a camp counselor to kids who have been abused, neglected by family/friends, or forced into foster homes. These kids are amazing and they’ve been through so much pain, but they still have hope for a better future for themselves. I love being a part of their heroic story every summer...even if it’s just for a week.

I wish my students knew dessert is my FAVORITE. And honestly, I’d pretty much eat ANYTHING chocolate. However if I had to choose- I’d always choose cupcakes. Any cupcakes. Maybe pie too. Or ice cream. Or cookies...oh man...see what I mean?

I wish my students knew how much I love and think about them outside of school. Like every single one of them- like past students and the awesome kids I have this year. When they tell me about their lives at home or with sports, I am filled with pride and happiness. I know they’re not “really” my kids...but I feel like if they share personal parts of their life- it shows they trust me with who they really are. I wish my students knew I pray for them too- sometimes big prayers about things they can’t control and other times little prayer like “Please let them study for the quiz tomorrow” or “Please let them listen to the directions the first time!”

There are many things I wish my students knew about me because we are a family in Room 9.